Scottish road set for closure as railway crossing upgrade begins

Picture of Michael Holden


Scottish road set for closure as railway crossing upgrade begins


Picture of Michael Holden


Garve Level Crossing
Garve Level Crossing // Credit: Network Rail

The A835 in is set for a closure in September and October as upgrade work takes place on the in .

A full corrosion inspection is due to take place whilst the rails, sleepers and ballast are replaced at the level crossing.

The A835 will close overnight on the 30th of September as well as on the 19th and 20th October.

Emergency services will still be able to use the road during the closure, but all other traffic must find alternatives.

A half road closure will take place on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 19th, 21st and 22nd of October, when temporary traffic lights will be in operation.

“The work we’re completing at Garve level crossing is essential to the safe and reliable running of the railway.

“The crossing equipment and surrounding track is regularly monitored as part of ‘s rolling maintenance and inspection programme to make sure it’s safe and operating as designed.

“The route is important for traffic heading for the ferry to Stornoway, so we’re encouraging everyone to plan ahead, particularly when the road is closed fully, as longer alternative routes will need to be taken on those dates.

David MacLean, Network Rail’s level crossing manager for the area


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