A Cambridgeshire Christmas for steam locomotive 45596 Bahamas

Picture of Michael Holden


A Cambridgeshire Christmas for steam locomotive 45596 Bahamas


Picture of Michael Holden


41241, 4079 and 45596 at Haworth Sheds, Keighley and Worth Valley Railway
41241, 4079 and 45596 at Haworth Sheds, Keighley and Worth Valley Railway // Credit: RailAdvent

The has announced that Jubilee No. 45596 Bahamas is to spend Christmas on loan from the .

Arriving in late November, 45596 will haul The North Pole Adventure trains as well as The Jolly Fisherman on the 4th of January 2025.

Driver Experience trains will run on the 3rd and 4th January as well, making an ideal Christmas present.

45596 is usually found on the mainline or at its base at the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway but has spent this year visiting heritage lines due to the ongoing Central Door Locking issue with West Coast Railways.


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