Rail worker suffered serious injuries in Bristol rail depot incident

Picture of Michael Holden


Rail worker suffered serious injuries in Bristol rail depot incident


Picture of Michael Holden


St Philips Marsh Depot
St Philips Marsh Depot // Credit: RAIB

A report has been released today by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch regarding a member of staff being struck by a train at St Philips Marsh Depot in .

The accident took place at around 13:03 on the 26th September 2023. A member of staff, who was responsible for shunting trains at the depot, was struck by a train that was exiting the main shed building.

The train was travelling at around 10 mph at the time of the incident, and after hearing the train strike something, the trains driver applied the brakes and stopped the train.

The shunter sustained serious injuries and was treated by paramedics and taken to hospital.

The investigation found that the shunter had walked into the path of the train after exiting the building via a shutter door.

The driver of the train started the move and accelerated much quicker than the shunter had anticipated, and was taking this route to get to a level crossing that ran along the end of the shed building and had a blind road corner before it.

The shunter regularly used the area before the building and level crossing as a walking route, but was unaware that the train had started to move and gain on him.

The investigation also found that the train had exceeded the speed limit in the depot of 5 mph and the driver did not observe the shunter walking ahead of the train.

The RAIB has made recommendations and also learning points from the incident:

The first recommendation for is to review the personal track safety training and assessment it provides for shunters, so that they receive an appropriate level of information and assessment about working and walking on depots.

The second recommendation (also for GWR) is to identify the places on its depots where its staff might be required to walk foul of a train’s path when using a walking route or walkway, and then manage the risk of its staff being struck by a train in these locations.

Learning Points

The first is to remind staff who work and walk on depots and in sidings of the personal track safety requirement to look out for approaching trains at least every 5 seconds when walking on the railway.

The second is to remind drivers of the importance of complying with all speed limits on depots and in sidings.

The third highlights the importance of drivers and shunters coming to a clear understanding about a train movement.

The fourth is for staff who work in safety‑critical roles to remember to declare to their employer if they have taken any medication that might have the potential to impact on their performance.


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