Mainline return for Black 5 steam locomotive

Picture of Michael Holden


Mainline return for Black 5 steam locomotive


Picture of Michael Holden


Ian Riley shaking hands with 45163 Ltd Chairman, Jeremy Dunn on July 4th 2024 upon signing of the formal agreement between the two parties
Ian Riley shaking hands with 45163 Ltd Chairman, Jeremy Dunn on July 4th 2024 upon signing of the formal agreement between the two parties // Credit: 45163 Ltd

LMS Black 5 No. 45163 is set to return to the mainline thanks to a new partnership between 45163 Ltd and .

45163 Ltd will retain ownership of the locomotive, but Riley & Son (E) Ltd will complete the restoration, which could see the locomotive on the mainline as soon as 2027.

During the restoration, Riley & Son will also pay for the fitting of the mainline equipment and also air-braking.

The new agreement will run for 25 years, at which time the locomotive will return to 45163 Ltd in working order.

There are also provisional plans for the locomotive to visit a range of heritage railways, including the Colne Valley Railway and the West Somerset Railway.

Parts of the 5MT are due to move to Riley & Son’s workshop in early September, while volunteers continue to work on the remaining components at the Colne Valley Railway.

Riley & Son are no stranger to a Black 5, the company owns 44871 and 45407 The Lancashire Fusilier and they also have 45212 on loan from the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.

Whilst not confirmed, 45163 will be a contender to haul the Fort William – Mallaig Jacobite services, which would mark a homecoming of the 1935-built locomotive which spent its first 15 years working in the Scottish Highlands.

45163 Ltd says that this new deal has come around due to the increasing age profile of the group and the desire to see the locomotive run again in a fairly short timescale.

“The 45163 Restoration Group has achieved an awful lot during the time we have been custodians of 45163, considering our limited resources, having constructed our own undercover full engineering facility at the CVR, envied by many.

“45163 had been heavily stripped as one of the latter locomotives to leave Barry, and it has been a big part of the project to find and fund replacements. Most parts required for the re-build have now been secured, and following extensive frame repairs 45163 has finally been re-wheeled.

“However, it has taken us 30 years to get to this stage, none of us are getting any younger and we have lost a number of active members along the way through ill health and those who have died. As project leader and majority shareholder, I am very conscious of the fact that those who have put so much time and effort into the project thus far should be able to see the engine finished and operating. I include myself in this, having wondered if I will live long enough to see the day when it will be steamed for the first time.

“We have had dialogue with a number of heritage railways over the last 10 years, most of whom approached us with a view to offering fast-track restoration in order to secure the loco for their fleet. However, none have come to fruition. We were already known to Riley & Son as we had sub-contracted some work to them, including machining the cylinder blocks, expansion links and providing new die blocks as well as new valves and valve rods. A conversation in May 2023 raised the possibility to work together to see the engine restored to full working order, in a timescale that addressed my concerns and to main line standards – something that had never formed part of our plans, having thought such aspirations would be out of reach for our group.

“This is an exciting new chapter in which we will see 45163 return to some of her old stomping grounds in Scotland as well as visiting heritage railways. We have ensured that our members can still be involved in the operation of the locomotive and that it will visit railways where some of our members are operational staff. For any of our members who are still around in 25 years time this agreement ensures that the locomotive is returned to the group in full working order.”

Jeremy Dunn, Chairman of 45163 Ltd


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  1. Please don’t forget 45293 also under restoration at Colne Valley railway. The BESPS work alongside Jeremy’s base and jointly fund parts and machining costs at an advantage price.

  2. With the addition of 45163 that means we will have 6 mainline certified Black 5s: 44871, 44932, 45212, 45231 & 45407. In addition, 5428 Eric Treacy and, eventually, 44806, are restricted to Whitby only.

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