Ffestiniog launches ‘Steam Coal’ Ice Cream in time for Summer

Picture of Joseph Molloy


Ffestiniog launches ‘Steam Coal’ Ice Cream in time for Summer


Picture of Joseph Molloy


Fireman Caleb Lovegrove tries the new Ice cream
FfWHR Fireman Caleb Lovegrove samples the new Steam Coal Ice-cream // Credit FfWHR

Summer has arrived at The Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways and to celebrate, they have launched their very own ice cream flavour, Steam Coal Ice Cream.

This will be available on their new Ice Cream Stands on the station platforms.

The ice cream flavour is vanilla and is made by Welsh Ice Cream manufacturer Marios.

It will be available alongside Mint Choc Chip, chocolate, strawberry, salted caramel, and for vegans, a red cherry sorbet.

The FfWHR is the only place in the UK to sell Steam Coal Ice Cream, so be sure to visit and give it a try, the railways locomotive crews certainly have and they very much approve.

The new Ice Cream
120ml Ffestiniog Steam Coal Vanilla //Credit FfWHR

It is really important for us to serve local produce here at our catering outlets and choosing a Welsh Ice cream maker was top of my list. Marios were happy to cater for my idea of steaming in with a brand-new product! It is actually a very tasty vanilla and something a bit different which will hopefully raise a smile from our passengers when they come to our new ice cream stand!

FfWHR Catering Manager Elwyn Edwards


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  1. Presumably then it will be in short supply, far more expensive than it was a few years ago and has ingredients from Poland, Ukraine or some other source in eastern Europe. I am anticipating that it will be replaced with an oil-based flavour at some point in the future…

  2. Inspired! It can be Done! (Might be a bit iffy about what kind of coal, but.. Carcinogens should be burnt off)..
    Think Barbecue.
    One thing the kids often asked: is it true you can do bacon and eggs on a shovel?
    I proved this, and there was a Que!
    Also works on miniature railways.
    Coal oven Mark 6.
    Here’s an idea.. (turn the blower off first..)
    Footplate Pizza.
    It works.
    Happy steaming. K.

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