RMT union rejects Network Rail pay offer

Picture of Michael Holden


RMT union rejects Network Rail pay offer


Picture of Michael Holden


New track being installed during engineering work
New track being installed during engineering work. // Credit: Network Rail

The Union says it has rejected a below-inflation 2024 pay offer from .

The pay offer was for 3.5% pay rise but has been rejected by the rail union today (18th April).

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said that such double standards were unacceptable and an insult to hardworking Network Rail staff. 

“Network Rail is once again making an offer that represents a cut in living standards as pay is not keeping up with the rising costs of rent, mortgages, energy, food, and other essentials.

“As a result, RMT is calling for urgent fresh negotiations and a much-improved offer for this year,”

Mick Lynch


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  1. Very limited knowledge amongst these replies.

    What people do not realise is, that the government controls erverything and are squeezing the normal working class. The chaos that is the UK railway is created by this government. The TOC’s are playing to their tune and have no choice.

  2. For goodness sake get this dispute sorted it’s gone on for long enough, I and my other half had to fork out another night in a hotel a few years ago because we couldn’t get home due to the strikes and we couldn’t get to a concert and had to go home as no. trains were running I had to take a reduced pay rise and had a lot of bonuses taken away things we had worked so hard for, your not the only ones being hard done by by greedy bosses and shareholders.

  3. How can you give your staff a pay rise when you keep striking and its costing millions a day in lost revenue. I’m sick and tired of this crap. sort yourselves out

  4. When will whoever is in charge just sort this mess out?

    Whoever is in charge Just needs to bleeding give the rail staff the pay rise that they deserve that’s inline with inflation and have done with it and let the trains run normally 👌

    There’s been times I’ve not been able to travel when I planned to because of the rail strikes, but I don’t blame the rail staff, as it’s not their fault, if anything they’re suffering just as much as us passengers are from them having to strike,

    It makes me laugh, rail fares increase every year without fail, normally inline with inflation, yet they supposedly can’t afford to give rail staff an increase inline with inflation, am I missing something?

  5. RMT workers shouldn’t get any payrise. As a long time rail user, who is one of the tens of thousands caught up in the daily delays and cancelled trains, I think they should be paid based on performance. Tbh their performance is woefully inadequate. Some of the ridiculous stories I hear how many people and how long it takes to complete the simplest of tasks is frankly comical. No payrise I say and keep our rail fares cheapee

    1. You have no idea what you are commenting on. Your lost in this world and probably watch BBC news and salute the prime minister every time he speaks.

  6. Although I don’t enjoy the rail strikes, I feel that the people who are complaining should stand shoulder to shoulder with the striking workers as if the employers get away with this it has a knock on effect and other employers don’t think they need to pay at least the rate of inflation. I was a civil servant for twenty years and in all that time pay never kept up with inflation. I remember the government awarding themselves 14.5% and paying us 1%. Don’t knock your fellow workers people, they are doing it for all of us!

    1. What about politicians bankers ceo of company who have failed to delivery but still get massive wages and bonus. Look at the post office. The rail network need major investment. That why you get delays. Look where the money goes no on front line staff. Look up the food chain. At the top. Your get your answer.

  7. I am completely fed up, as a taxpayer and rail passenger, of the rail unions taking the “Michael”.We cannot ever rely on rail travel anymore because of them.They are overpaid, public sector worker , who can afford to strike precisely because they are public sector.They don’t really effect the Government, when they strike, only ordinary people.They clearly have not respect for the said ordinary people.

    1. I am completely fed up with people like you Steve, you obviously haven’t got a clue what you are on about, you only care how it affects you. We have not had a payrise since 2019, (5 years). I don’t even mind not getting a pay increase, if inflation did not cause prices to go up I would be happy with that. Which is precisely why the union agreed to no pay rise for 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, which we worked through by the way, while people got paid furlough for staying at home safe. And our reward??? 30% poorer due to Inflation caused by governments printing money. Dont forget that the rich got richer through that pandemic mate, and everyone else got poorer. A pay rise doesn’t mean I get more, it means I can afford the same as I could. But when your mortgage goes from £1200-£2000 a month and gas and electricity go from £200-£600 a month and food is up 30%. They still put the ticket prices up too though and council tax and the list goes on mate. I sell my time and energy mate, and unfortunately if it costs me significantly more to fuel my body through food and heat, then like supermarkets i have to put my prices up to pay for it. If they don’t want to pay me for it I have the right to strike, because if i couldn’t afford to pay for energy through food and heat. I’d be cold and hungry, which is what’s happening now. But sorry for your inconvenience mate.

    2. Salute the PM. Everything they say is gospel. You keep paying for their trips to Barbados and end up in Skegness yourself.

    3. Really . No wage rise for 5 years . Dog insurance up £200 a month since then for two dogs , car insurance up £100 a year , house insurance up £100 a year then mortgage increases that’s not even commenting on food , gas and electric etc all through the roof. If we have less money to spend less money goes into the economy meanwhile all the MPs , MSPs and the rest of the fat cats give themselves what they want . They are rinsing the taxpayers

  8. Not even offering the September 2023 CPI figure … Wonder how much all these “Directors” in Network Rail get paid …..and are they actually worth the money ???

    1. I wish I got a 3.5% pay rise. I have had 1 pay rise in 5 years. The RMT and ASLEF need to get in the real world before they choke the golden goose and government start to scale back in investment in the railway not just HS2. People might be made redundant.

      1. Aslef members have had no pay rises in 5 years, the only people choking the golden goose is the government, senior management and shareholders

      2. ASLEF? But train drivers haven’t had any pay rises in past 4 years, nearly 5. Get your facts right before having a go at rail workers. Working classes should stick together and all push for a pay rise not bicker amongst ourselves

  9. The benchmark has always been November RPI. That was 5.2. It should be that as a minimum. Last summer was 10. Something and we got 5 so work it out for yourself

    1. Because the offer is meant to be in line with November’s inflation rate. This is at least the third month of negotiations also, so nothing to do with today’s rate.

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