Avanti provides space for mental health walk-in at Cheshire station

Picture of Janine Booth


Avanti provides space for mental health walk-in at Cheshire station


Picture of Janine Booth


AWC Mental Health Runcorn
AWC Mental Health Runcorn // Credit: Avanti West Coast

Avanti West Coast is working with a support group to offer a walk-in service at station to help people with their wellbeing.

For two days each week, the station’s community room hosts sessions delivered by local peer support group, It’s Good 2 Talk. This provides space, company, resources and time to help people who are struggling with their mental health. Avanti, which recently had its West Coast contract extended, believes that this is the first initiative of its kind on the West Coast.

Credit: AWC

The sessions aim to encourage people to offload worries or stress and take time for themselves, and to get support and information in a safe, non-judgemental, confidential environment.

The idea began with a chance encounter between ‘s Community Champion, Laura Warwick, and Nathan James, founder of It’s Good 2 Talk, at a local event. Laura and Nathan have a shared passion to stop the stigma associated with mental ill-health, and wanted to bring people going through difficult situations together, encouraging them to talk and share their feelings. It’s Good 2 Talk welcomes new volunteers.

Credit: AWC

On Monday mornings, Nathan broadcasts a live talk show from the station – Getting on Track Together – in which guests chat about their personal experiences of mental health. Over twenty episodes have been streamed on social media so far, giving audiences the chance to get involved in the conversation.

Every Friday, the room is open between 12pm and 6pm for ‘On the Right Track’ drop-in sessions. Anyone is welcome to join the sessions, to talk, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, find company, or relieve stress with colouring activities, sketch pads and fidget toys.

Avanti reports that since the station made the space available in January, it has made a difference to people from all walks of life – from a lonely woman finding a place to go when at a loss for something to do, to a passenger needing to talk after returning by train from a friend’s funeral, and a local man who found much-needed friendship.

Credit: AWC

Charities and organisations in the region have back the pop-up support at the station, including Weaver Arts community group, Animal Teach, Halton Carers Association, and Mind.

During Mental Health Awareness Week (15 to 21 May), Nathan will promote the benefits of music and will speak to the founder of Sound City music festival, Dave Pichilingi. On Friday 19 May, live acoustic performances will take place in the community room throughout the afternoon by various musicians.

Nathan said: “It’s a sad truth that many people today don’t have anyone to listen to them about their day, worries, feelings, life stories. Those things are integral to our humanity.

“I’m overwhelmingly grateful to Avanti West Coast, Laura, and the team at Runcorn for providing this space for people to take time to talk because it’s changing lives. Everyone needs places like this – somewhere to sit and be free to chat, listen, learn, connect, read, and have a brew, find comfort or friendship. Communication through talking, laughing, or crying together brings connections and through connections comes growth, understanding and community. I have already met some great people at Runcorn and look forward to meeting loads more.”

Avanti West Coast
Avanti West Coast // Credit: ORR

Laura Warwick, Avanti West Coast Team Leader at Runcorn, said: “We know it’s the simple things that can make a huge difference to people’s wellbeing, which is why we joined up with It’s Good 2 Talk to create a space for anyone to drop in for a chat, make time for their mental health or connect with others.

“By bringing people together in a safe and welcoming environment we hope to support those who may be struggling to open up, while raising awareness and understanding of mental health. We’ve seen the incredible difference this space has made to many people, and we hope this will help many others, as well as encouraging everyone to take care of themselves.”


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