Rail passengers warned to plan train travel ahead as 48-hour strikes are set to take place in December

Picture of Chloe White


Rail passengers warned to plan train travel ahead as 48-hour strikes are set to take place in December


Picture of Chloe White


Paddington station
Paddington station // Credit: Rail Delivery Group

As unions take further strike action during the Christmas period, the rail industry is busy trying to keep a limited number of trains running, and is warning passengers of substantial with further advice to check travel plans ahead of making a journey.

During the strike, thousands of specially trained and qualified backup workers will work to maintain essential services for the passengers who need them. Passengers are also being warned that even if RMT abandons its strike on the 12th of December after the membership referendum on it will be too late to restore train services. Consequently, it is now unavoidable that the industrial action taking place on the 13th and 14th and 16th and 17th of December will see approximately half of the network closed with only around 20% of usual services operating.

Customers are being asked to only travel by rail if it is completely necessary during the period of strike action and to be sure to check the times of their first and last trains.

From the 13th to the 17th of December, a special timetable will be in operation and will be available to passengers from Friday the 9th of December. Further to this:

  • Passengers are advised that services on Thursday the 15th of December will also be impacted
  • Further disruption is to be expected during the early morning of Sunday the 18th of December as workers come back to their positions.
  • Disruption should also be expected from the 18th of December through to the 2nd of January, with broad alterations to service provision due to an overtime ban over 14 rail operators put in place by the RMT
  • Christmas Eve will also see rail services finish a lot earlier than usual due to more strike action by the RMT with passengers once again advised to plan their travel well ahead.

Steve Montgomery, chair of the , said: “Regrettably, the RMT leadership’s refusal to put our proposed 8% pay offer to its membership means we are unable to reach a resolution at this stage, although we remain open to talks. With the deadline having passed where disruption could be avoided even if strikes were called off, our focus is on giving passengers the maximum possible certainty so they can make their festive plans.

“No one wanted to see these strikes go ahead, and we can only apologise to passengers and to the many businesses who will be hit by this unnecessary and damaging disruption.

“We continue to urge RMT leaders to put our proposals to their members rather than condemning them to weeks of lost pay either side of Christmas during a cost-of-living crisis.”

Andrew Haines, Network Rail chief executive, said: “The RMT has deliberately chosen to try and ruin Christmas for millions of passengers and businesses. They’re also intent on inflicting a monumental act of harm on an industry still desperate to recover from post-Covid challenges by sabotaging a vital £100m programme of rail upgrades planned for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. The industry will do all it can to keep services running and projects on-track but serious disruption is inevitable given the RMT’s action.

“In talks over the months, we have sought to address all the RMT’s concerns by putting a decent pay rise on the table, guaranteeing a job for anyone that wants one, significantly raising base salaries for the lowest paid and offering a new, huge rail travel discount scheme for members, and their families. By any reasonable measure, we have put a fair deal on the table.”

Regarding :

Passengers who hold Advance, Anytime or Off-Peak tickets for travel on a strike day are able to use their tickets on an alternative date:

  • Tickets for the 13th, 14th, 16th and 17th of December can be used the day before the ticket date or up to and including Tuesday the 20th of December
  • Tickets for the 24th, 26th and 27th of December can be used on the 23rd of December or up to and including Thursday the 29th of December.

Passengers who hold Advance tickets can get a fee-free refund if the train that the ticket is booked for becomes cancelled, delayed or rescheduled.

If an Advance ticket is for a train which is running on a strike day and is not cancelled, delayed or rescheduled and the customer prefers not to travel during strike action, are advised to get in touch with their ticket retailer.

Customers holding 2 x Advance tickets (outbound and return) to be used as a return journey could be able to get a fee-free refund or may be able to change a journey with the unused legs/tickets if one of the legs is on a strike day. Customers are advised to check with their ticket retailer.

Season Ticket holders (Flexi, monthly or longer) who do not wish to travel during the strike action are able to claim 100% compensation via Delay Repay for the 13th, 14th, 16th and 17th of December.

Customers are able to check via the Enquiries website or with their rail operator’s website to see if their operator is impacted by the strike action.

Passengers can also check on the National Rail Enquiries website or their rail operator’s website to see if their operator is affected by this industrial action.


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