With Halloween just around the corner, why not come along to the Halloween Evening event at Amberley Museum which will take place from 6pm to 9pm on Saturday the 29th of October.
The event will see ghastly ghost train rides with plenty of spooky goings on to enjoy whilst travelling such as spotting bats and devilish beasties in the woods.
Attendees can also enjoy a creepy-cool ghost walk and valiant witch-hunters can also investigate the Museum’s exhibits after dark and with luck on their side may find hot food and refreshments if the spooky ghouls get there first!
For those coming along, bring a torch, warm clothing and footwear that are good for running away.
The event is for those over 12 years of age and is not suitable for dogs. For those with younger children why not visit one of the museum’s ‘fantastic fungi’ autumn half term events which are taking place on Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd and from Wednesday the 26th to Sunday the 30th of October.
Tickets must be booked ahead of the event online.