New build steam locomotive 82045 – March 2022 progress report

Picture of Roger Smith


New build steam locomotive 82045 – March 2022 progress report


Picture of Roger Smith


82045 Coupling rod
Credit: The 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust

The 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust has released its latest update on progress in building a new member of the extinct Riddles BR 3MT 2-6-2 82000 tank class.

Many of the current new-build projects aim to recreate larger main-line types, but this project is looking to build a loco intended specifically for heritage line use. Success with this project will also open the door to the recreation of a Riddles 2-6-0 77000 class, another long-lost type that is well suited to service on today’s heritage lines.

The driving force behind the project is the conviction that the days of working steam are numbered without an initiative of this kind.

During February, work included shaping and laying out lubrication pipe runs, making connecting fittings, and making clips to secure the pipes to the framework of the loco. The four atomisers for lubricating the cylinders were also machined.

82045 Atomiser_1200px
82045 Atomiser. Credit: Peter Line.

Some of the footplating around the front of the loco was refitted after removal to allow access for lubrication pipe runs and fitting the pony truck main pin.

The return cranks have been checked over and measurements taken of the key on the reverse side. These keys were deliberately left oversize to allow for final machining and adjustment on site to suit the keyways on the crank pins of the driving wheels.

82045 Return-cranks_1200px
82045 Return cranks. Credit: John Pagett.

The main work in March has been machining two of the four coupling rods at Stephenson Engineering; the other two rods are still to be forged and machined.

82045 Lubrication pipe layout
82045 Lubrication pipe layout. Credit: John Pagett.

The lubrication pipework has been shaped, whilst attachment of the connecting fittings, starting from the location of the mechanical lubricators, is now in progress.

As this is an intricate job, it is not being rushed in order to achieve a pleasing result, with the attendant by-product of making and fitting support clamps.

Progress is continuing with the firebox work.

If you would like to support the 82045 Trust, please consider donating towards them via their website.


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