Transport for London begins £1m feasibility work into Docklands Light Railway extension

Picture of Michael Holden


Transport for London begins £1m feasibility work into Docklands Light Railway extension


Picture of Michael Holden


Proposed extension to the Docklands Light Railway
Credit: Transport for London

Transport for London has started more feasibility work into the proposed extension of the to Beckton Riverside and Thamesmead.

The work comes after the confirmation of the Thamesmead and Abbey Wood Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF).

This phase of work will be completed by and a joint commission between Arup and Atkins alongside Aecom.

Funding for the work has come from a £1m agreement between the London Borough of Newham, the Royal Borough of Greenwich and developers Thamesmead Waterfront, Aberdeen Standard Investments and St William.

The work will allow Transport for London and its partners to further develop plans to extend the Docklands Light Railway from Gallions Reach, in Newham, to Beckton Riverside, and then across the River Thames to Thamesmead.

This new extension would help support the 25,000 new homes along the route and improve connectivity across the river.

Thamesmead Waterfront
Credit: TfL

Potential locations of new stations will be considered in this new phase of work, with support work on transport options to be carried out, including bus, walk and cycling links.

Deputy Mayor for Transport, Heidi Alexander, said: “I am delighted that boroughs and developers have committed to work with the Mayor to progress work on public transport options to support growth, including the Thamesmead DLR extension and bus transport corridor projects.

“These schemes are critical for realising our aspirations for unlocking new housing and jobs on both sides of the river in east London and ultimately creating successful places to live and work. By taking a collaborative approach we will maximise the likelihood of making them a reality.”

Director of City Planning at TfL, Alex Williams,  said: “We know that public transport is key to helping unlock development in new areas. By progressing work on the potential extension of the DLR to Thamesmead now we can ensure any future scheme is best placed to support the homes and jobs that London needs once funding is secured.”

Newham Council’s cabinet member for environment, highways and sustainable transport, Councillor James Asser, said: “A new extension to the DLR could provide real opportunities for development and investment in homes and jobs in the south of the borough, in an area of London’s docklands which has huge amounts of potential.

“Opening up links into south east London would also provide new opportunities for residents both sides of the river for work, travel and education. Newham is committed to extending public transport in the borough which will bring benefits to our residents and also help us meet our targets to improve air quality and tackle congestion.”

Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, Councillor Danny Thorpe, said: “We’ve been making the case for improved public transport for residents in the east of our borough for many years and we’re happy that TfL and the Mayor of London are taking this seriously. With thousands more homes planned for Thamesmead, the DLR extension in particular is an option we really want to see made a reality.

“It’s been more than 50 years since the first homes in Thamesmead were built, and thousands more will be built over the coming years. We’re serious about improving air quality and tackling the climate emergency so enabling new and existing residents to walk, cycle and use public transport is crucial.”

Lendlease’s Chief Executive Officer in Europe, Neil Martin, speaking on behalf of Thamesmead Waterfront, said: “Improving the public transport connections into Thamesmead is a vital part of the long-term regeneration of an area with enormous economic potential. Thousands of new jobs and homes can be created there, but key to achieving that potential is improving Thamesmead’s transport links for everyone who lives there already, and for everyone who might wish to live or work there in the future.”

Managing Director of St William Homes LLP, Alison Dowsett, said: “St William supports a DLR extension to Thamesmead via a new station at Beckton Riverside and the additional homes, jobs and opportunities that this will help to unlock in Newham. We are fully committed to work alongside other key stakeholders to progress work on the extension of the DLR.

“St William is a joint venture between the Berkeley Group and National Grid and was formed to regenerate underutilised gasworks sites across London and the South East. Our goal is to reconnect these sites with the local community and transform them into places where people want to live, work and spend time.”

Senior Development Manager at Aberdeen Standard Investments, Brian Kelly, said: “The work being undertaken by TfL and all stakeholders is an important next step towards delivering the proposed extension to the DLR. This has the potential to deliver significant opportunities for the local community and the wider catchment”

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  1. I do love the Docklands Light Railway because it’s easier, enjoyable and slow. And yes it should extend further east to Dagenham Dock and southeast to Thamesmead and Abbey Wood.

    And other future extensions including extending the DLR from Lewisham to Hayes taking over the Hayes Line and to Bromley North via Grove Park. And extended west from Bank to Green Park, Victoria and Euston St Pancras.

  2. What about expanding the Docklands Light Railway to Dagenham Dock and possibly as far as Thurrock Lakeside with new stops. And the DLR to extend south from Lewisham to Hayes or Bromley North. And the extension from Thamesmead to Abbey Wood.

  3. there should have been a bridge accross the Thames here which would have been goof=d for bus routes too but snooty Bexley council[I used to live in Plumstead,Bournewood Rd] objected-typical Tory zombies.As bad as Eastbourne council objecting to new station at Langney North on the site of the old Stonecross station

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