Steam locomotive No. 53808 replaces B1 for Severn Valley Steam Gala

Picture of Michael Holden


Steam locomotive No. 53808 replaces B1 for Severn Valley Steam Gala


Picture of Michael Holden


53808 to replace No. 1264 at the Severn Valley Gala
Credit: Liam Barnes

News just in from the is that 7F No. 53808 will replace B1 No. 1264 at their Spring Steam Gala this weekend.

The replacement comes after the announcement that overrunning winter works have meant that B1 No. 1264 is unable to leave Grosmont, on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, along with A1 No. 60163 Tornado tomorrow.

The 7F joins B12 No. 8572 (from the North Norfolk Railway), A1 No. 60163 Tornado (Courtesy of the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust), BR Standard 4MT No. 80072 (from the Llangollen Railway) and Haydock Foundry Bellerophon (from the Foxfield Railway), GWR King No. 6023 ‘King Edward II’ (from the Didcot Railway Centre), plus the SVR’s home fleet to make this their BIGGEST steam gala to date.

53808 replaces the B1 on all of its scheduled diagrams for the weekend.

The locomotive was found in steam last weekend at the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway Spring Steam Gala, so it will be a busy week for the Fowler locomotive.

Steam Gala information

For full information on the gala, including timetables, fares, and about the stations, can be found by clicking here

Photo Credit: Liam Barnes – see his Flickr page by clicking here


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