• TaylPSteam and Jonathan Fry
  • Profile photo of clive BRretired

    clive BRretired posted an update a week ago

    a week ago (edited)

    Our Border security is imperative! County border control now recruit sheep for this very purpose! You can see Britannias driver explaining this odd situation to his fireman on its approach to the west country with the Riviera express! , You do not pass new trainee Larry unless you are a Saphos tour member!! Penguin and Seagull being considered…

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    ThorntonJunction, David Spencer and 3 others
  • I noticed on 44871 a fancy yellow tagged air hose! Is that braked by default? Air? I would literally rip the vacuum pipe from its dolly for protection from a heavy train! Sit there smoking a fag all day! Or a nice panama! Nobody going anywhere! But now i see no guards van! Where’s train protection gone? Your trains derailed! Blocking the…

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    TaylPSteam, David Spencer and Michael Ashworth
  • My earlier concern of 44871 getting wet on its Royal Duchy run to Cornwall this morning was unfounded, It shot through Dawlish cams, With great gusto! And dryer than an oven chip! The heavy rain forecast for today was absent! Its brightened up, Precipitation swung north to Manchester? Or maybe local meteorological guys have been out for a good…

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    Jonathan Fry, TaylPSteam and 2 others
    1 Comment
    • clive BRretired (edited)

      Pennine Twite, Atlantic wild Canary, or Serin? Not a clue! Not even if male or Female? If Male and lays an egg! Then very rare species indeed!

    • Dont know if any Locostop members travelling on the Royal Duchy to Par this morning? (44871 goes through Dawlish on YouTube Cams 11-45ish) Its just started to rain down here! Not too heavy, But forecast says to get worse as day goes on!

      TaylPSteam and Michael Ashworth
    • That 44871 runs the Dawlish sea wall 11-45 to 12noon Sunday 1st sept (tomorrow)! on its way west to Par! The East facing Dawlish cam on Utube best (depending on the Sun) West facing for Parsons nose! My granny called it that before I K Brunel cut a tunnel through it! The cam back at Brunel park seems to be on some sort of timer? Steam…

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      TaylPSteam and David Spencer
      • I clicked a button! Not sure if following you or following myself now?

        • Looks like you are going around in circles

          • Yes, Ever decreasing ones? I tried to put a picture of my wild but very friendly Pennine finch bird on Roger Smiths page below! (vegetation clearance) But there’s not a camera icon? (But it does it on this section)?? Doh. A friend does any finance dealings i have and i pay cash in return! Simpler that way!

          • Ive just been told off by a Machine? Artificial intelligence dictate my old (very old) Brain took too long to edit my post? So now i dare not pour a beer! Nor light a fag in an outside fresh air drinking place for fear of polluting those around me (the elderly)? Maybe i should modernise my habits, Maybe i visit the Gulf, To sit and watch…

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            Michael Ashworth
            • Lord knows where my Black 5s pictures went to? Halfway to Mars by now i spose?

              • Sounds about right ( sadly for the age we now live in ) AI telling people off. Stupid thing really. Common sense isn’t that common anymore. Someone else makes a mistake & you pay the price/penalty for it.

                Hope you have a good weekend though

                • Thanks Matt. And you.

                • 44871

                  alf, Jonathan Fry and 3 others
                • A Midland engine brings down the Atlantic Express? Whatever next? Where’s Clan Line? Or Southern Bulleid engine? This west end of platform 2 is where it would be changed over. Just as the DMU is shown (earlier picture) 92 or 257 squadron sped into the long platform! Mate and i were sat on a large Porters cart full of many passengers luggage!…

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                  baywick, STEPHEN M SKUCE and 2 others
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