• Silver on the up! But VAT spoils it? Gold goes through the roof this morning at £2,007 an ounce or $2665 US Dollars! So what price coal for Heritage, They only take a very small amount, But with a large steel plant closing coal burning furnaces this very day and high quality arc steel production some way away? Then imported loss must be some other far away import till we go green enough to cope! We are miles from wind or solar independent? I equate imported coal or oil as the humble river warden whose five mile stretch of river is hazard free! But upstream all sorts of poison for extracting Gold, Oil, coal for our imports will be wafting over us in the coming weeks! pollution knows no boundary, Pollution figures belly up like the river wardens fish! On a lighter note = EG my suggestion of Heritage steam tours burning the many tons of impounded drugs by coastal drug agency seizures in this country could be a quite free alternative to coal, And such long rail tours would carry many very happy passengers? Chuck in a few old guitars to get a sing along going? (Just a thought)? Footplate crew may need changing every five mile though! Never a steam tour quite like it history might quote??

      Michael Ashworth and TaylPSteam
      1 Comment
      • Clive I love your sense of humour, I know how they make steel from cast iron (they add carbon) so if they stop using coal where is the carbon content coming from, the dirty coal imported from many miles away is going to create far more CO2 than if we mined it in the UK, so the new Arc plant will create more CO2 than the old one!!!???
