Tag: Launceston Steam Railway
Launceston Steam Railway in miniature!
The Launceston Steam Railway has announced that there will be a returning visitor this year. The returning visitor will be a 009 model based on…
Steam locomotive No.19 to visit the Launceston Railway
The Launceston Railway have announced that Darjeeling No.19 will be visiting them in 2019. The narrow gauge locomotive will be visiting them for several months…
Launceston Steam Railway to hold locals week
The Launceston Steam Railway have announced that they have teamed up with the Cornish and Devon Post to hold their Locals Week. Inside this week’s edition…
Ffestiniog Railway to build new boiler for steam locomotive ‘Velinheli’
The Launceston Steam Railway, in Cornwall, has announced that steam locomotive ‘Velinheli‘ has left the railway and is going to the Ffestiniog Railway, in North…
Launceston Steam Railway release 2018 opening dates
The Launceston Steam Railway has released details of their 2018 opening dates. This allows you to plan when you might make a visit. The Launceston…
Farewell Velinheli!
The Launceston Railway has announced that Hunslet ‘Velinheli‘ will be withdrawn due to the boiler being deemed as life-expired. The Hunslet was built in 1886,…