ScotRail raise record amount for PoppyScotland

Picture of Michael Holden


ScotRail raise record amount for PoppyScotland


Picture of Michael Holden


Poppyscotland and Scotrail raise record amount for poppyscotland
Credit: ScotRail

ScotRail has announced that they have raised more than £95,000 for Poppyscotland in 2017, this is more than 50% more than compared to 2016.

Managing Director, Alex Hynes, joined Poppyscotland volunteer, Martha Dickson, and announced the record figure. Martha has collected the donations in and around Haymarket station in Edinburgh for 67 years.

The total, £95,293, includes donations from ScotRail customers, free travel for on-duty Poppyscotland staff across the network and access to station advertising.

Collection tins and collectors were welcomed into Glasgow Central, Glasgow Queen Street, Edinburgh Waverley, and Haymarket in the run-up to Armistice Day in 2017.

‘Poppy-up’ shops sold Poppyscotland merchandise opened up at Glasgow Central and Haymarket.

ScotRail also had five trains have their poppy themed logo replacing their normal branding in support of the charity. One lucky rail enthusiast landed themselves a one-hour session in the ScotRail driver training simulator, after bidding £505 in a charity auction.

What did the officials say?

ScotRail Alliance Managing Director Alex Hynes said:

“I am delighted that the ScotRail Alliance raised more than £95,000 for Poppyscotland and the vital work it does for Scotland’s soldiers and veterans. To have increased the amount we raised by 50 percent in just one year is a sign of the generosity of our people and our customers.

“It’s an honour to be able to support this fantastic charity, which needs our support all year round.”

Martha Dickson said:

“My uncle died during the First World War and another uncle was gassed in the Second World War. He survived but was left badly affected. When I reached the age of understanding, I would often see a family friend who was still serving and would later die in service. It sounds an obvious thing to say, but I didn’t like wars and I hated the sound of the air raid siren when I was little and it would go off.

“The majority of people do not want war, of course, but the reality is that we have to contend with what happens when there is a conflict and the aftermath of that. That’s where Poppyscotland comes in, and when I am out collecting I try to tell people how their money helps.”

Gordon Michie, Head of Fundraising at Poppyscotland, said:

“This fantastic amount raised will allow Poppyscotland to make a life-changing difference to the Armed Forces community over the coming year.

“The ScotRail Alliance has once again set the standard in how organisations can support our vital work, and we are extremely grateful to all of the staff and customers for their incredible contribution. It is also fitting that we are able to pay tribute today to Martha for her decades of dedication collecting at Haymarket.”


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