The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust has announced that document management company, Cleardata, has started to scan in the 366 original Doncaster Works drawings which will allow LNER V4 No. 3403 to be constructed.
Alongside this news, the trust has also confirmed that it has made progress on the pre-launch phase of the new project.
Designed by Sir Nigel Gresley, the V4 class of locomotive is of a 2-6-2 design and was designed for mixed-traffic use on the LNER network and shares some similarities to the V2 class, for which 4771 Green Arrow has been preserved.
Once all scans have been completed, Cleardata will upload them on to the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust’s CAD system.
Malcolm Barlow, a scrap dealer in Doncaster, sent the drawings to the Trust after he launched the no-longer-existing Gresley V4 Society in 1994 to build a new member of the class.
Away from the drawings, the Trustees of the A1SLT have agreed on a fundraising strategy and proposed timeline for the project.
The specification for 3403 has been signed off, regardless of just having two in original service, no known design or development problems were seen.
Tyres for the V4’s pony truck, Cartaxxi and 5ft 8in driving wheels have been purchased by the Trust from David Buck, who owns LNER ‘B1’ No. 61306 Mayflower.
Along with this, the purchases of the chimney, two speedometers from BR Class 08s and two air pumps for use on 2007 have been completed.
12 Tender Spring Hooks have delivered thanks to a larger order by Network Rail with Stoke-on-Trent’s Unilathe for replacement parts for the tender-based snowploughs; these were ordered alongside the B17 Steam Locomotive Trust to reduce cost.
Another part that has been delivered is a set of cab side window frames made by Colin Vickridge, who also provided the frames for both Tornado and Prince of Wales. A speedometer that was once used on LMS Jubilee 45657 Tyrwhitt has been acquired for use on 3403.
Finally, a new subsidiary of the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, The V4 Steam Locomotive Company Limited, has been created to complete the construction of the steam locomotive.
Currently, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, no formal launch of the project is confirmed and is still to be finalised, it was originally planned for Spring 2020. This is the same for The Founders Club fundraiser, which will be used to obtain the parts needed to construct the frames, which means that when 2007 Prince of Wales leaves Darlington Locomotive Works, the frames can be rapidly assembled.
Steve Davies MBE, chairman, The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, commented: “We are in the pre-launch phase of the project to build our third new main line steam locomotive, the yet-to-be-named Gresley class V4 No. 3403 – Sir Nigel Gresley’s final design. With the order for construction now placed on Darlington Locomotive Works, the scanning of the drawings commenced, and further components acquired, we are well positioned for the formal launch of the project.”
“We want to be ready to start assembling our new Gresley class V4 as soon as our new class P2 is completed. We anticipate the project costing around £3m and taking around five years subject to the pace of fundraising. Our new Gresley class V4 is an ideal locomotive for regional main line tours, repeat main line itineraries and the longer, main line connected heritage railways. Unlike with our class P2, where we have had to do a considerable amount of development work to complete the job that Sir Nigel Gresley started in 1934, there will be very little redesign work needed as there were no known problems with the Gresley class V4s.”
“Although there is currently no specific appeal open for No. 3403, any donations made will be ring-fenced for the project. Our next step will be to launch The Founder’s Club to fund the early stages of the project. More announcements will be made during 2021 as the project builds up steam.”
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