Recent maintenance work carried out on steam locomotive No.76084

Picture of Jamie Duggan


Recent maintenance work carried out on steam locomotive No.76084


Picture of Jamie Duggan


New Bush for steam locomotive 76084 // Credit Mel Rutter
New Bush for 76084 // Credit Mel Rutter

Steam locomotive BR Standard 4 2-6-0 No.76084 is undergoing some maintenance work at Weybourne Running Shed, on the , in readiness for the 2018 season.

‘Bottom-end’ and front end

Weybourne Shed Staff work on 76084’s Regulator Valve // Credit Mel Rutter

Volunteers have recently been working on producing a new coupling rod bush for the right-hand side of 76084. The first step in producing a new bush was to melt away the old metal. This is then followed by tinning of the bush.

Once cleaned, the bush is ready for white metal to be poured in after it’s been heated.

After being left to set overnight, the new re-metalled bush is ready to be pressed back into the rod.

At the front of 76084, the draw hook has been removed and receiving some attention. The draw hook is used to couple Rolling Stock to the front of engines, especially when working trains tender or bunker-first.

Boiler Fittings

On top of the boiler, the steam dome has been removed to allow access to the regular valve, which is receiving some work.


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