Update on steam locomotive 6201 Princess Elizabeth

Picture of Michael Holden


Update on steam locomotive 6201 Princess Elizabeth


Picture of Michael Holden


Boiler lifted from frames
Boiler lifted from frames // Credit: Locomotive 6201 Princess Elizabeth Society

An update on the work taking place on 6201 Princess Elizabeth has been released by the loco society.

The boiler and the cab of the steam loco have now been removed from the frames.

A crane was used to lift the boiler out so that a full assessment of the work needed could take place.

The locomotive has not been seen in service since 2022. The locomotive was set to haul a Northern Belle tour over the Settle to Carlisle line but was withdrawn from service due to a leaking boiler throat plate.

If you want to help bring 6201 back to mainline service, you can donate via the 6201 Society website.


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