New detailed images show the future of Darlington Station

Picture of Mark Wilson


New detailed images show the future of Darlington Station


Picture of Mark Wilson


What could be a every day sight. a CGI impression looking down Platform 1 showing the new staircase and footbridge with original historic clock at Darlington - Network Rail
What could be a every day sight. a CGI impression looking down Platform 1 showing the new staircase and footbridge with original historic clock at Darlington // Credit: Network Rail

Following the release of a 3D fly view video showing the revamp plans of Darlington’s Grade II listed station, new detailed photo-realistic images have been released, showing additional features.

These images provide a more finalised overview of what station will look like once its multi-million-pound refurbishment is complete.

The £140m project to revitalise rail travel in the North East is progressing, focusing on a significant overhaul of the railway station.

The ambitious project skilfully merges historical elements with contemporary design, featuring a fully accessible footbridge constructed over the tracks within the Victorian station.

What the view along Platform 1 at Darlington will look like showing the new footbridge -  Network Rail
What the view along Platform 1 at Darlington will look like showing the new footbridge // Credit:

This bridge guides passengers towards the two modern platforms through an aperture which will be cut into the age-old roof.

There are also plans for a newly erected concourse building, and a multi-storey car parking facility.

Network Rail has revealed detailed architectural renderings illustrating how the new interior staircases, elevators, and footbridge will integrate with the Grade II listed environment.

CGI Platform 1 at Darlington station showing its planned new stairs case and footbridge - Network Rail
CGI Platform 1 at Darlington station showing its planned new stairs case and footbridge // Credit: Network Rail

The latest visualisations from AECOM’s design team illustrate how their designs honour the original station’s features and architecture, while updating it for modern travel.

 “While it’s great that work at Darlington is really ramping up, sometimes it’s hard to see beyond the hoardings and construction sites. These new images do exactly that and we’re really excited to unveil them to passengers and local people so they can see what we’re all aiming towards in this £140m project to improve rail journeys for the future.

“We’d like to thank people for their continued patience while we carry out these transformational upgrades at Darlington. We’ll continue to work closely with station operator LNER to make people’s journeys as smooth as possible during construction.”

Luke Espin, Network Rail senior sponsor
A CGI view of Darlington's station footbridge amongst the stations grade II listed roof -  Network Rail
A CGI view of Darlington’s station footbridge amongst the stations grade II listed roof // Credit: Network Rail

The £140 million upgrade of Darlington station represents a collaborative effort involving Network Rail, the Tees Valley Combined Authority, the station’s operator LNER, Darlington Borough Council, and the .

“It’s great to see these new images which demonstrate how the project will give Darlington a station it can be proud of. The latest visualisations help bring things to life and further demonstrate the scale of this exciting transformation.”

Steve Wilson, LNER head of stations
What could be a every day sight. a CGI impression looking down Platform 1 showing the new staircase and footbridge with original historic clock at Darlington - Network Rail
What could be a every day sight. A CGI impression looking down Platform 1 showing the new staircase and footbridge with original historic clock at Darlington // Credit: Network Rail

Major upgrades at Darlington station will be undertaken at two primary work sites:

  • Work site one has witnessed the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) investing £36 million in constructing a new station concourse building and a multi-storey car park east of the Grade II listed station. The project is approaching completion and will soon be transferred from TVCA’s contractor, Wilmott Dixon, to Network Rail for the final fit-out phase.
  • Worksite two encompasses a £98 million investment from Network Rail and the Department for Transport. This project includes the construction of two new platforms, additional tracks, a revised railway layout, and updated signalling systems. These enhancements aim to boost rail connectivity and performance throughout the North East. Additionally, a fully accessible link bridge will connect the existing station to the new Phase One concourse building.


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    1. No it wouldn’t, it would stand out like a sore thumb. The bridge needs to blend in with the colours, textures, and materials of the original station to protect, and blend in with the rest of the station. It needs to look like it’s always been there. A modern, sterile glass monstrosity would go against the grain and detract from the station, not add to it.

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