Competition: Win a copy of Swindon Rail Scene – Hydraulics to HSTs by Garry Stroud

Picture of Michael Holden


Competition: Win a copy of Swindon Rail Scene – Hydraulics to HSTs by Garry Stroud


Picture of Michael Holden


Swindon Scene cover

Here is your chance to win the Swindon Rail Scene – Hydraulics to HSTs book thanks to .

The winner will receive our review copy of Swindon Rail Scene – Hydraulics to HSTs by Garry Stroud

The book is an illustrated record of the railway scene around in and around Swindon in the diesel-hydraulic era through to the reign of the HSTs.

You can read our full review here.

If you are unsuccessful in the or want to buy a copy now, then it is available on Amazon.

See below for many ways to enter the competition:

Use as few, or as many, as you like! Good luck!

Please note!

There are 2 parts to entry, firstly you need to enter your email address so we can contact you if you are a winner. Once you have done this, you can then use any of the ways to enter listed under ‘ways to enter’.

Only open to UK residents, no cash alternative. Winners will be notified by email, we will endeavour to contact all winners. Please check your inbox and spam folder or this page after the competition has closed to see if you are a winner. Prizes should be sent within 28 days of competition closing. If we do not receive a reply to our email from the winner within 14 days from sending the email, we reserve the right to select an alternate winner. 


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