London Northwestern Railway launches booklet remembering amazing women

Picture of Roger Smith


London Northwestern Railway launches booklet remembering amazing women


Picture of Roger Smith


Writer Richard Lysons, LNR community strategy manager Vicky Cropper-Clarke and designer Nicky Thompson with the booklet
Writer Richard Lysons, LNR community strategy manager Vicky Cropper-Clarke and designer Nicky Thompson with the booklet // Credit: West Midlands Trains

The lives, history, and birthplaces of 27 amazing women from areas across the network covered by the (LNR) are being commemorated in a new booklet.

One of the amazing women highlighted in the booklet is May Ann Evans who lived from 1819 to 1880 and came from and was more commonly known as George Eliot. Nuneaton was therefore chosen as an appropriate place to launch the booklet, which took place at the Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery on Thursday, 29th June.

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Amazing Women booklet. // Credit: London Northwestern Railway

Among other women included in the booklet are political activist Emmeline Pankhurst who led the Suffragette movement and lived from 1858 to 1928, Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland, who lived from 1867 to 1955, singer, actress and comedian Gracie Fields, who lived from 1898 to 1979, and singer and television presenter Cilla Black.

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Amazing Women booklet. // Credit: London Northwestern Railway

In total, the booklet details the lives of 27 extraordinary women who came from different areas between and , with short biographies and relevant attractions that passengers can visit by rail.

The booklet was designed by Cheshire artist Nicky Thompson and written by author Richard Lysons. It was funded by London Northwestern Railway and Women in Community Rail funded, and can be picked up free from attractions listed inside the booklet.

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Amazing Women booklet. // Credit: London Northwestern Railway

The Amazing Women by Rail booklet can be viewed online here

Vicky Cropper-Clarke, LNR community strategy manager, said: “I am delighted to launch the Amazing Women by Rail booklet which highlights so many stories by incredible women across our rail network.

“There will be copies available at selected stations and passengers will be able to view the booklet online. I hope this encourages passengers to explore towns are cities along the line to discover the fascinating history of these remarkable women.

“I would also like to thank our community partners and Women in Community Rail for putting the booklet together.”


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