Reward offered after West Yorkshire train shot at with air gun pellets

Picture of Michael Holden


Reward offered after West Yorkshire train shot at with air gun pellets


Picture of Michael Holden


A £1000 reward has been offered by for information that leads to the arrest of a person that shot air gun pellets at a rush hour train in last week.

The incident took place on Monday 22nd May and saw the to Bradford Forster Square hit at station just before 17:30.

The attack came just a few days after Northern featured on the Frontline Fightback programme on BBC One, where they highlighted the case of a driver being hit by a brick in 2022.

Tony Baxter, regional director for Northern, said: “It’s very fortunate that no-one was injured.

“It beggars belief that anyone thinks it’s ‘fun’ to target a train in this way. Anything involving shattered glass whilst trains are travelling at high speed can be very dangerous.

“We hope this reward will encourage anyone who knows the perpetrator of this attack to come forward with information for .”

Anyone with information can contact BTP by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40. Alternatively, people can call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.


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  1. But this is FUN for kids or just stupid people. They would say, if asked “am bored got nowt to do”.
    The people who have done this deed, do need to be caught and taught a lesson, or someone will be killed.

  2. Very nasty. It happened to me many years ago when the carriage I was in was shot at as we approached Feltham. No one seemed particularly bothered, however, and to the best of my knowledge the incident was never reported to the police. Perhaps it was because that sort of incident was so common in that area that it was treated as a normal event or because it was assumed, with good reason, I’m sure, that no one would be caught, so there was no point wasting time filling in a report. Hopefully, attitudes have changed since the early 80s.

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