Rail Strikes: RMT agrees to further all-industry discussions

Picture of Michael Holden


Rail Strikes: RMT agrees to further all-industry discussions


Picture of Michael Holden


Credit: RMT

Rail union, , has agreed to further talks with the rail industry during a meeting today, 15th December.

Talks today were convened by Rail Minister, Huw Merriman, and included both and the .

All parties agreed to further talks to find a resolution in the dispute.

Mick Lynch, RMT’s General Secretary, said “These meetings will be arranged but in the meantime all industrial action remains in place,”


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  1. I use the Trains. I am amazed that bad weather still disrupts the service. Who is responsible ?
    Some stations have no staff resulting in – waiting room and toilets being not available.
    Toilets on Trains are not very clean. In some cases toilets on trains are blocked and not usable.
    For ladies especially, it’s something I believe that a guard on board is essential -not a floating individual who may appear when it’s too late. Wages calculated by % will always be unfair to lower wage earners. The gap gets bigger every time. To me calculating earnings this way is creating a bigger division in society.
    Rail workers are essential as are all people doing a responsible job serving the public. It’s a shame MP’s do not show the same respect to the public who pay their wages expenses and pensions, yet repeating the same narrative that the public pay the price for the MP’s mismanagement of this Country. But they get a decent lifestyle reward in money despite getting it wrong all the time.

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