An update on the overhaul of steam locomotive No.13065

Picture of Michael Holden


An update on the overhaul of steam locomotive No.13065


Picture of Michael Holden


13065 at Ramsbottom
Credit: RailAdvent

Mike Kelly, East Lancashire Railway Chairman, has released a short update on the overhaul on steam locomotive No.13065.

For those that don’t know, the decision was taken by the ELR to remove ‘The Crab’ from service for an overhaul after two flue tubes on the locomotive were found to be leaking during a routine washout of the locomotive’s boiler.

Work has continued to bring the locomotive back into service. Work on the pony truck is progressing and the frame is beginning to be painted.

A component strip exam and repairs are still ongoing by the team completing the work.

The boiler tubes have been removed and the boiler has been NDT tested and examined.

The boiler condition is good and the NDT report is awaiting results.

Mike Kelly has also announced that it looks like the cost of repairs to the locomotive will rise further as the work continues.


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