Sentences for Oxford railway cable thieves

Picture of Alan Holden


Sentences for Oxford railway cable thieves


Picture of Alan Holden


Gwent railway cable theft
Credit: BTP

British Transport Police have announced that two men have been sentenced following the theft of railway cable in 2020.

In February 2020, Gwent traffic police officers stopped a vehicle travelling along the M4.

Upon searching the vehicle, several reels of copper cable were discovered, and the men arrested on suspicion of theft.

The cable, worth £8682, was later identified by as being stolen from a depot in Oxford.

The father and son, Alan Fisher, 64, and James Fisher, 30 from Newport, were given a 16-week suspended sentence and 3 months in prison, respectively.

BTP Investigating Officer, Lauren Anderson, said: “This was a determined theft which could’ve cost the railway over £8,000 in loss.

“These sentences demonstrate just how seriously the courts take such incidents of theft, and we hope this will give the individuals involved time to reflect on their actions and stop them from committing similar offences in the future.

“We are committed to tackling all forms of theft and work closely with Network Rail and other industry partners to make the railway a difficult place for these criminals to operate.”

Remember, if you spot any suspicious activity on the railway, please report it to the BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40.

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