Steam locomotive 34028 Eddystone set for Yorkshire visit

Picture of Michael Holden


Steam locomotive 34028 Eddystone set for Yorkshire visit


Picture of Michael Holden


34028 Eddystone and Corfe Castle ANDREW PM WRIGHT
34028 Eddystone and Corfe Castle // Andrew PM Wright

The has announced that 34028 Eddystone is the latest addition to its Annual Steam Gala lineup

Eddystone was built in 1946 at Brighton Works and visits the NYMR thanks to the Swanage Railway and .

34028 joins the home fleet of the locomotives as well as previously announced 4079 Pendennis Castle and 2253 Omaha.

The gala will take place between the 26th and 29th of September and will feature model railways, intensive timetable and more.

“We are absolutely delighted to welcome No. 34028 ‘Eddystone’ to our Annual Steam Gala. This locomotive has a storied history and a unique charm that we know our visitors will love. Alongside the other visiting locomotives ‘Pendennis Castle’ and ‘Omaha,’ and our fantastic home fleet, this year’s gala promises to be an exciting celebration of steam heritage.”

Laura Strangeway, CEO at NYMR


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    1. ……and we saw it heading north on A1M east of Leeds between M1 link and A64 – I managed very quickly to scribble down its number while hubbie was driving and look it up on our return home to Notts. Well done that haulage driver.

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