Staffordshire cycleways will improve railway connections with university

Picture of Emma Holden


Staffordshire cycleways will improve railway connections with university


Picture of Emma Holden


Canterbury Cycle
Credit: Southeastern

A scheme to create continuity between railway stations is being developed.

New cycleways will be added in Newcastle town centre to provide a link to existing railway stations.

The cycle route will run from the A52 George Street into the town centre.

The aim is to reduce traffic and promote healthier lifestyles. The plan includes a two way cycleway on Hassell Street and upgrade the crossing on Barracks Road.

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council gained government funding for the scheme and will be the ones to carry it out.

This scheme will provide the town centre cycleway section as part of a continuous link from railway station to Keele University.

It is part of a joint drive with Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council to improve facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, encourage healthy lifestyles and sustainable travel options.

We will share plans with local residents and businesses imminently with an aim to begin work on the scheme in summer 2025.”


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