RMT demands a rule out of ticket office closures across Scotland 

Picture of Chloe White


RMT demands a rule out of ticket office closures across Scotland 


Picture of Chloe White


RMT Logo
RMT Logo // Credit: RMT

Union is insisting that plans to close ticket offices by are scrapped, after a decision was made to cancel closure proposals in England following an outcry by MPs and unions. 

The Scottish Government has yet to make a decision on the plans, since early 2022 and following a public consultation which would see almost all of ScotRail’s ticket office hours cumulatively reduced by one-third. The latest comments made by Scottish Transport Minister Fiona Hyslop MSP have led the Union to believe that these cuts are still being considered.

ScotRail Class 385
ScotRail Train // Credit: ScotRail

Mick Lynch, RMT general secretary said:

“The proposals were universally opposed by passengers in the public consultation, and the massive scale of the response to the recent ticket office closure plans elsewhere on the railway reinforce how much passengers value ticket offices and ticket office staff.”

“The Scottish government’s own research into women and girl’s safety on public transport has found that staffed ticket offices make them feel safer.”

“We have therefore written to the Minister to demand an urgent meeting and for the Scottish Government to urgently confirm once and for all that it will not inflict any short-sighted and damaging cuts to ScotRail ticket offices,”


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