Boiler certificate for steam locomotive 7822 Foxcote Manor is ‘stopped’

Picture of Michael Holden


Boiler certificate for steam locomotive 7822 Foxcote Manor is ‘stopped’


Picture of Michael Holden


7822 Foxcote Manor
7822 Foxcote Manor // Credit: The Battlefield Line

The Foxcote Manor Society has announced that 7822 ‘Foxcote Manor’ is to now undergo a full overhaul after a failure of the Ex-BR welds in the copper firebox.

7822 Foxcote Manor has had 7 years of total running, with steaming days at the West Somerset Railway, the Llangollen Railway, the Battlefield Line, the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, Kent and East Sussex Railway, the Mid Hants Railway and the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.

Foxcote Manor’s next boiler repair is set to be the most extensive that the society has completed, and is likely to include a new back end to the boiler, copper and steel.

Thankfully, the bottom end should all be in good condition thanks to the work put in during winter months of her boiler ticket.

The locomotive has only done around 12,000 miles since the wheels were removed at Tyseley in 2019 – so some work can be deferred to a year or two into the next ticket, such as new valve liners.

A Society spokesperson said “We are sorry to announce that Foxcote’s boiler ticket has been stopped, due to complications with the failure of ex-BR welds in the copper firebox. The next boiler repair will be the most extensive the Foxcote Manor Society has ever undertaken

We are always looking for new members, and donations, please see:

Our thanks to the West Somerset Railway, Tyseley Locomotive Works, our volunteers, trustees and members for everything they have done for the locomotive this ticket, without which, the repair of the locomotive would very likely be beyond our means.”


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