Number of Community Projects Across Norfolk and Suffolk Up For Awards

Picture of Emma Holden


Number of Community Projects Across Norfolk and Suffolk Up For Awards


Picture of Emma Holden


Greater Anglia train // Credit: Greater Anglia

A number of projects to help bring communities together in and have been shortlisted for awards.

Projects which support communities, improve public spaces and promote sustainable travel have been shortlisted.

Amongst the shortlisted are the Bittern Line, Wherry Lines and East Suffolk Lines Community Rail Partnerships.

Some examples of the project include:

The Bittern Line

Nominated for a ‘Small Projects Award’ due to its Rail Passenger Discount Scheme, which aims to get passengers to support local businesses.

Since the start of the scheme, 35 businesses in Sheringham have gotten involved to offer passengers a discount when proof of travel is provided. The scheme is aiming to broaden to other locations.


The Wherry Lines Community Rail Partnership

Nominated for the ‘Best Community Engagement Award’ alongside Lowestoft Central Project and the Friends of Glossop Station.

This is thanks to their continued efforts to preserve and celebrate memories of Wartime Evacuees, who were sent to Derbyshire and Nottingham in 1940.

These efforts have included supporting reunion events, tours, a book launch along with interpretation panels. Two of the panels are installed at Lowestoft and tell the story of when 3000 children were evacuated.


The East Suffolk Lines Community Rail Partnership

Nominated for the ‘Tourism and Leisure Award’ due to their ‘Felix the Seagull and Friends’ trail to attract tourists by train.


Also nominated for an ‘Outstanding Volunteer Contribution’ award is Trevor Garrod. He has spent his life promoting public transport and is a founding member and Chair of the East Suffolk Travel Association, which has done a lot of important work.

He also supports a number of events held in Lowesofts’ former Parcels office and has written books and guides promoting travel by public transport.

The Community Rail Awards is now in its 18th year and will be announcing this years winners at its ceremony in Manchester on the 5th October 2022.

Martin Halliday, Community Rail Development Officer, Community Rail Norfolk, said, “Our aim is to build positive relationships and mutually beneficial links between our lines and the communities they serve, and we are absolutely delighted to see our efforts, and the benefits they have delivered, nominated for these prestigious national awards.”

“We are also thrilled to see that our great friend and colleague, Trevor Garrod has been shortlisted for his efforts. Trevor works tirelessly to promote public transport, not just in the area but nationally and internationally. His knowledge and experience is highly valued both by the partnerships, our other volunteers and the many organisations for whom he freely gives so much of his time and experience.”

Alan Neville, ‘s Customer and Community Engagement Manager, said, “We are really proud of our community rail partnerships and amazing station adopters and are thrilled that the work that they do across the region to support communities, promote sustainable travel and help our region’s branch lines to thrive has been shortlisted for so many awards.”


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