Strawberry Fair and Cambridge Club Festival this weekend may affect rail travel

Picture of Roger Smith


Strawberry Fair and Cambridge Club Festival this weekend may affect rail travel


Picture of Roger Smith


One of Greater Anglia's new Alstom trains
Credit: Greater Anglia

This weekend, two big events are taking place in , which may have an impact on people travelling to the events by train.

Trains and stations in the area are likely to be busy as passengers head to the Strawberry Fair on Saturday 11th June, and Cambridge Club Festival, which takes place from Friday, 10th to Sunday, 12th June.

Large crowds expected to attend both events, and travellers are advised to allow plenty of time for all parts of their journey, including those from and to the station. If aiming for a particular time at the event or heading back for a specific train, especially the last train of the evening, passengers are advised to give themselves some flexibility around their journey time, in case it’s busy.

The Strawberry Fair is an entirely free volunteer-run, one-day music and arts event in Cambridge. It is held on Midsummer Common on the banks of the River Cam and is likely to attract over 30,000 visitors throughout the day.

Strawberry fair
Credit: Strawberry fair

Cambridge Club Festival is being held beat Childerley Orchard six miles west of Cambridge on the A428. The festivals bring a mixture of Pop, Disco, Funk, Soul, and R&B legends to the Main Stage. There is also a music tent with a fun-focussed philosophy, “The Discovery Den”, comedy, talks, and live podcasts on the “Auditorium of Intrigue”, and family fun and educational entertainment in the “Imagination Station”.

Journey information can be found at ‘s website at and on Twitter @greateranglia

Martin Moran, Greater Anglia’s commercial, customer service and train presentation director, said:

“We are expecting our trains and stations to be busy when these events take place, so we’d encourage passengers to use the full length of trains and platforms.

“Our staff will do their best to make sure passengers’ journeys go as smoothly as possible, but please do check before you travel and allow extra time for your journeys.”


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  1. Since the delivery of the Class 720s that the majority of them that are in service and an extra 44 Class 720/1 units which have been delivered and to work alongside with the 89 Class 720/5 units.

    I really think that Greater Anglia have really made such good progress with ordering 133 brand new 5-Car trains.

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