HS2 updates eco plans for Birmingham and Fazeley Canal Viaduct

Picture of Chloe White


HS2 updates eco plans for Birmingham and Fazeley Canal Viaduct


Picture of Chloe White


Artist impression of Birmingham and Fazeley Canal Viaduct - view from NW
Artist impression of Birmingham and Fazeley Canal Viaduct // Credit: HS2

The design team have responded to community feedback and has improved plans for land surrounding the section of high-speed rail line that crosse the  and Fazeley Canal.

Located north of HS2’s Delta Junction, the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal viaduct is a triangle-shaped series of viaducts which allow HS2 trains to travel between , the , and the North.

The updated plans have been developed by Balfour Beatty VINCI (BBV) who is the main works contractor for HS2. The updated plans include a series of wetlands which house four new ecological ponds, sweeping grass meadows and around 22,000m² of newly established woodland alongside the embankment north of the viaduct as part of the green corridor planting.

The potential creation of a new public green space south of the canal could see informal pathways which link to the towpath at Seeney Lane. The space would see two species-rich ponds, seating and information boards which will support wetland exploration and education.

The current hedgerow which runs at the side of the towpath will also be restored and will maintain bat flight corridors along the canal and species-rich grasslands and will create homes for insects and bees with new trees hiding views of the M42.

Birmingham and Fazeley Canal viaduct masterplan

An ecological habitat will help biodiversity further north and will see two ponds, planting zones and hedgerows and will link Cuttle Mill fishery and woodlands to the HS2 green corridor next to the railway.

HS2’s Senior Landscape Design Manager Steve Fancourt, said:

“We aim to integrate HS2 into the landscape as much as possible, as well as transforming areas around the railway to provide community benefits, protect wildlife and enhance local biodiversity. The updated designs for the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal viaduct include exciting new wetland habitats which can be enjoyed by people and create diverse new connected areas for wildlife.”

HS2 will plant up to 7 million trees under the huge green corridor programme and will see species such as Silver Birch, Hazel, Hawthorne and Holly alongside the Phase One route between London and the . More than 220,000 trees have already been planted alongside the creation of 40 ponds in the West Midlands.

Andy deBell, Head of Community Engagement for BBV, said:

“Our detailed designs for the Birmingham and Fazeley viaduct have responded to feedback provided by the local community in 2021, and stem from how people wish to use and experience the canal.

“Our plans, which include public open spaces and environmental features for wildlife, will enhance the landscape, creating the potential for local people to have access to green spaces along the line of route while creating diverse habitats for local wildlife.”

A series of steps that will cut the time and effects of the construction of the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal viaduct for canal users and walkers will see the creation of haul roads in the construction areas which will reduce public road usage. The steps will also see the creation of pre-assembled steel deck segments away from the structure and will reduce construction time whilst making the most of the space, the use of protective working environment measures (cofferdams) will also ensure the stability of the canal whilst the works go ahead.

Balfour Beatty VINCI is hosting a series of public engagements during June in order to present the plans to the local community and will see drop-in sessions where people can look at the key features and will be following a presentation and a question and answers session.

For further information about the event taking place on the 8th of June, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hs2-design-update-event-birmingham-fazeley-canal-viaduct-tickets-345548955227?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

For further information about the event on the 9th of June, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hs2-design-update-event-birmingham-fazeley-canal-viaduct-tickets-345573960017?aff=ebdsoporgprofile


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