c2c named as Britain’s best rail service by passengers

Picture of Roger Smith


c2c named as Britain’s best rail service by passengers


Picture of Roger Smith


Credit: c2c

According to the latest research from the independent watchdog Transport Focus, passengers on are the most satisfied commuters in the country.

The survey interviewed over 5,000 rail passengers across the country. c2c topped the league with 95% overall satisfaction rate amongst the passengers surveyed.

c2c also topped the league for passenger satisfaction in terms of the level of crowding, with 82% of passengers surveyed saying they are satisfied, and came second among train operators for passenger satisfaction for punctuality and reliability, with 91% of passengers satisfied.

These results come when c2c has added more trains at peak times, and resumed services with 12-carriages to support the return to work.

Ben Ackroyd, c2c Managing Director , said: “At c2c we strive to provide our customers with the punctual and reliable service they expect from us. That’s why we’re extremely proud these statistics show that c2c continues to perform strongly across all metrics. This is only possible through the daily dedication and hard work of all the team at c2c.”

The company also provides daily reports about how punctual its train service was the previous day. This information is published in c2c’s On Time performance data, which measures the percentage of station calls of trains that departed from their originating station, arrived at intermediate stops, and arrived at their destination early or within 59 seconds of the train’s schedule.

The company also publishes the “Time to 3” metric (T-3), which calculates the number of trains that arrive within three minutes of their scheduled arrival time.

In assessing cancellations, a service will be considered a full cancellation if the train ran less than half of its planned journey, or a Part cancellation if the train ran at least half but not all of its planned journeys or it skipped stops on route.

Further details about c2c’s performance measurements can be found at: http://www.c2c-online.co.uk/about-c2c/our-vision-and-values/our-performance/

The results of this survey and more information about all Transport Focus’s surveys are at http://www.transportfocus.org.uk/data-hub


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  1. Erm how comes that c2c are named as “Britain’s best rail service”. Sorry but apparently c2c aren’t and there’s lots of complaints from commuters who use c2c. Including ticket machines not working properly, rude staff, passengers putting feet up on seats whilst on the train.

    And even abusive behaviour from people who can’t seem to follow the rules including not wearing face masks. And even ticket invaders who avoid paying train tickets and always getting caught by staff and on CCTV. c2c needs to act up before they can be the best train operator in the UK.

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