Network Rail release statement after rail incident between Norwich and Lowestoft yesterday

Picture of Victoria Thompson


Network Rail release statement after rail incident between Norwich and Lowestoft yesterday


Picture of Victoria Thompson


Haddiscoe flooding
Credit: Network Rail

Network Rail has released a statement after an incident at Haddiscoe on the yesterday.

A very high tide and strong winds caused ballast to be washed away at Haddiscoe, which is on the to Line.

Thankfully, no one has been injured in the incident after a train approached, and the train has not derailed.

Engineers are on site, but it is expected that the line will be closed for another few days, and Network Rail says more information will be released once the train has been removed.

A Network Rail spokesperson said: “A very high tide and winds have caused ballast, the stones that support the tracks, to be washed away at Haddiscoe on the Norwich to Lowestoft line.

”Thankfully no one has been injured, all passengers on the train that reported the incident have been taken away safely and the train has not derailed. Engineers have been on site since Sunday morning and are assessing the situation.

“We expect the line to be closed for at least the next few days but will know more once the train has been removed, which is our first priority.

“Services are being diverted onto the East Line. Passengers wishing to travel should contact National Rail Services or to get detailed service information.

“We will provide a further update tomorrow once we know more.”


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  1. I guarantee it is going to take couple days to repair the tracks and track bed. Probably couple weeks depending on the weather doesn’t cause more disruptions. Which most of the bad weather is affecting the North of England and Scotland.

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