Update: Overhaul of 777 Sir Lamiel Takes a Major Step Forward

Picture of Chloe White


Update: Overhaul of 777 Sir Lamiel Takes a Major Step Forward


Picture of Chloe White


777 Sir Lamiel's boiler is lifted by crane
Credit: 5305 Locomotive Association

Major progress has been made on the overhaul of 777 Sir Lamiel, with the boiler now lifted out of the frames.

The well-loved locomotive’s overhaul is being carried out by the volunteers of the who have been the proud custodians of this stunning loco for over 40 years.

777 Sir Lamiel's boiler is lifted by crane
Credit: 5305 Locomotive Association


COVID restrictions and crane certification have prevented the boiler lift up until now, thankfully with the support of Craig Stinchcombe and his team, the lift went ahead successfully yesterday.

777 Sir Lamiel's boiler is lifted by crane
Credit: 5305 Locomotive Association

The boiler inspection will be the next stage of Sir Lamiel’s overhaul, which should be organised over the coming weeks.

777 Sir Lamiel's Boiler
Credit: 5305 Locomotive Association

The lifting of the boiler is a key milestone in the overhaul of Sir Lamiel, however financial support is still urgently needed to get this historical locomotive back into steam.

To find out how you can support Sir Lamiel please visit: https://www.sirlamiel.org.uk/

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