New podcast offers behind the scenes view of Greater Anglia

Picture of Chloe White


New podcast offers behind the scenes view of Greater Anglia


Picture of Chloe White


life on the rails greater anglia
Credit: Greater Anglia

A brand new podcast – ‘Life on Rails’ – is now available, giving the public a real insight into what it takes to operate a railway

Life on Rails’ is a quarterly magazine-style podcast with some of the topics including leaves on the line, building new trains and bargain fares.

The podcast is presented by Juliette Maxam and Lucy Wright, who are the company’s media and PR team. Other people who work on the railway and keep it running will also feature on the podcast. 

A regular feature will also be included on how to get the best value fare for your journey and will be hosted by ‘the fares guru’ Ken Strong who is a pricing analyst at Greater Anglia.

The first episode is out now and includes special guest Geoff Marshall who is a popular railway YouTuber and will be on the ‘travel surgery’ part of the podcast and will be revealing his favourite destination to visit on the Greater Anglia network.

Juliette and Lucy will also chat about running the rail service through autumn and how Greater Anglia and Network Rail deal with issues such as when fallen leaves cause slippery conditions on rails, very similar to black ice on roads.

The first episode is out now and is available on the usual podcast platforms and also on the Greater Anglia website: 

Juliette Maxam, Greater Anglia media and PR manager, said: “We want to explain some of what goes on behind the scenes to keep the railway running.

“There’s so much going on at Greater Anglia. We’re replacing every single one of our old trains with brand new trains which are being made to our specifications.

“There are some amazing and dedicated people working at Greater Anglia and we want to throw a spotlight on their roles and what they do to keep our railway safe, punctual and reliable.

“We also want to talk about what makes rail travel one of the most sustainable forms of transport available and what we’re doing to make Greater Anglia even greener.

Lucy Wright, Greater Anglia senior media and PR officer said: “We really hope people will find the podcast interesting and informative. We would love to hear what people would like featured in future episodes – you can contact us via our @GreaterAngliaPR Twitter account.”

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