The first of Freightliner’s new FFA-G wagons arrive in the UK

Picture of Cameron White


The first of Freightliner’s new FFA-G wagons arrive in the UK


Picture of Cameron White


Freightliner wagons
Credit: Freightliner

Freightliner has taken delivery of 40 FFA-G wagons from Poland as part of their latest strategy to save energy and reduce their carbon footprint

The 40ft intermodal wagons represent the next step in the rail operating company’s energy strategy. The wagons arrived on the 18th of September, with a further 190 set to arrive by November 2021.

It has taken two and a half years for the new FFA-G wagon to come to fruition following a joint initiative with Greenbier Europe and Wabtex Axion Rail.

The wagons are designed with fuel efficiency as a priority and making them two tonnes lighter per wagon than any other, means that each train will weigh substantially less whilst keeping to the strict industry safety standards. Low force track bogies also mean that noise levels are reduced and will also keep track damage to a minimum.

Transportation by rail is already well known for achieving 76% lower carbon emissions than road, along with the weight saved, the closely coupled 40ft wagons will bring an extra saving of 7% for carbon emissions when compared to other rail service providers. This saving means that the benefits of using rail is increased to 78% for operated services.

The working deck height of 980mm for the wagon has meant that route acceptance has been achieved for the entire W10 network with a 40ft, 9’6” ISO container, which means that the FFA-G wagon has a broader W10 network gauge clearance than other 40ft wagons.

The design, testing, building and authorisation of the new wagon design has taken place in four different countries during the Covid-19 pandemic. This has presented extra challenges which had to be overcome using technology but largely thanks to the knowledge, dedication and hard work of all of those involved in the innovative project.

Freightliner’s Managing Director of UK Rail Tim Shakerley, said: “As the first Freight Operating Company to develop standard-height 40ft platform wagons, and the first to introduce the Shortliner (Ecofret) wagon, Freightliner has a proud history of setting the standards for innovative and sustainable wagon solutions in the UK,” 

“As the largest intermodal rail freight operator with the largest offering of electrically hauled freight services in the UK, Freightliner is committed to driving decarbonisation, which is at the heart of our strategic focus and aligns us directly with customer expectations.

“The FFA-G wagon further enhances the environmental benefits of rail and makes an even greater contribution to bringing all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.”

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