Two milestones reached for steam locomotive 35011 General Steam Navigation

Picture of Jamie Duggan


Two milestones reached for steam locomotive 35011 General Steam Navigation


Picture of Jamie Duggan


35011GSN_Fabricated_Trailing Truck_1

The General Steam Navigation Locomotive Restoration Society (GSNLRS) has announced that they have achieved two major milestones in the restoration of their Southern Railway Merchant Navy Class No.35011 “General Steam Navigation”.

Trailing Truck

Following discussions with a variety of contractors, the GSNLRS have accepted North Norfolk Railway Engineering’s quote to restore 35011’s trailing truck.

Since separating the trailing truck from the rest of the locomotive’s main frame, the Society have been preparing the trailing truck for the next stages of restoration. Volunteers have done an amazing job of striping and cleaning, with North Norfolk Railway Engineering now to take on the remaining work to restore the truck. GSN’s trailing truck is of fabricated construction, the only preserved example, making it quite unique.

The GSNLRS have set up a fund called the Trailing Truck Transformers Fund Club to raise funds towards the cost of restoring the trailing truck. For more information or to donate towards the fund, please click here.

Crank Axle Stress Testing Image // Credit GSNLRS
Crank Axle Stress Testing Image // Credit GSNLRS

Crank Axle

One of the biggest challenges of the Society is building a new crank axle for 35011, as the original one was removed back 1966. Much research has been done into determining which grade of steel would be suitable for a new crank axle. Working with Professor Karl Dearn from the University of Birmingham, they have carried out Finite Element Analysis, with has found A4T steel of suitable quality for a crank axle. Work can now progress on the design work for the new crank axle.

More information on the University of Birmingham FEA Project can be read here.

For information or to support , please visit the Society’s website here.

Axle Box Covers Credit GSNLRS
Axle Box Covers Credit GSNLRS

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  1. As an old employee of GSN i’m pleased to hear of the progress.
    Very little was left of this grand old Company when P&O took over
    Hope to be joining the Society and wish you well .

  2. Great to see progress on the loco, the rebuilt versions may have been more reliable but the original look is simply stunning. Fantastic project.

    My pet hate has crept into the article – “quite unique” doesn’t exist, it’s either unique or it’s not.

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