Filming for Great British Railway Journeys sees Michael Portillo on Metro and Shields Ferry

Picture of Emma Holden


Filming for Great British Railway Journeys sees Michael Portillo on Metro and Shields Ferry


Picture of Emma Holden


Michael Portillo films for new TV series
Credit: Nexus

The TV show Great British Railway Journeys has been filming again for its most recent series. For the episode, the TV presenter Michael Portillo took a trip along as well as the Shields Ferry.

The BBC presenter took two journeys on the Metro and a Tyne crossing on the ferry travelling from North Shields to South Shields.

Over the years Michael Portillo has now become renowned for his railway travel programmes.

Some of the filming for the show took place with crew members Nathan Williamson and David Kirkhouse. After being granted permission, they filmed in the ferry’s wheelhouse.

Portillo’s two trips along the Metro were filmed as he travelled on Friday 20th August from Central Station in Newcastle to Tynemouth. He then returned from South Shields back to Newcastle the day after (Saturday 21st August).

The filming that took place for the shows new series is due to be broadcast in Spring 2022 along with other featured railways.

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  1. I was sad about the loss of Mid-Tyne Ferries. They operated a service at Wallsend and occasionally it was possible to do a special trip all the way from Newcastle quayside to Tynemouth.

  2. I would like to see Michael Portillo team up with Pete Waterman, Tim Dunn, Geoff Marshall & Vicki Pipe (All The Stations) and other presenters who love railways to do a massive program about the railways in the UK.

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