Vintage Trains pulls steam locomotive 7029 Clun Castle after Superheater issue found

Picture of Michael Holden


Vintage Trains pulls steam locomotive 7029 Clun Castle after Superheater issue found


Picture of Michael Holden


7029 Clun Castle vintage trains
Credit: Vintage Trains / Robin Coombes

Vintage Trains has told RailAdvent that they have had to withdrawn GWR Castle No. 7029 Clun Castle for further examination after a fault was found.

7029 was meant to be on a loaded test run earlier this week but never appeared. Whilst the loco passed its Fitness to Run Exam, a spokesperson for Vintage Trains Ltd has said that “a previously non-existent steam leak became apparent within the smokebox and, on an initial examination, it became clear that this emanated from the superheater header”.

Vintage Trains has also said that this is rather rare for this to fail and they have never experienced this sort of failure at Tyseley in their entire heritage era.

Work is now underway to remove the superheater header for examination but will require a considerable amount of dismantling in the smokebox before work can be completed.

The two private charters are said to be going ahead, though these will now be diesel hauled by BR Class 47 No. 47773. It is not yet clear what will be hauling the August tours.

A Vintage Trains spokesperson has said “We know everyone will wish Clun Castle well. We also know everyone will understand that we are unable to enter into correspondence or accept telephone or other enquiries on her condition. We will make a further announcement when we have more news.”

“Our website will set out details of the haulage arrangements for August tours and booked passengers have already been notified of alternative traction. We do not anticipate any changes to Clun Castle’s booked tours from September onwards.”

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  1. They knew this on Tuesday and failed to tell customers until lunchtime on Friday. The replacement diesels are not a suitable replacement. I can pay £8.90 for a day return. What am I getting for my £25.00? They are playing fast and loose with people’s money.

    1. I believe they have offered people the option to travel on another day if they contact them up to the day before they were due to travel. If you have tickets, then get in touch with Vintage Trains and find out what your options are.

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