Buses replace trains between Maidstone East and Ashford International as work at Bearsted continues

Picture of Alan Holden


Buses replace trains between Maidstone East and Ashford International as work at Bearsted continues


Picture of Alan Holden


Bearsted cutting
Credit: Network Rail

Work to prepare for the cutting reinforcement project at continues this weekend meaning that buses are replacing trains between and .

The work at the cutting will help prevent landslips and improve drainage.

Today and tomorrow  (24th/25th July) buses will replace trains between Maidstone East and Ashford International.

In addition a week long closure will take place from Saturday 7 to Sunday 15 August 2021.

In August, soil nailing will take place on the cutting which is over 150 years old. Over 6000 will be installed to strengthen the cutting. Cabling work between Harrietsham and Charing will take place at the same time.


More information on the work taking place at Bearsted can be be found here on the Network Rail website.

Fiona Taylor, Network Rail Route Director for Kent, said: “Line closures are always a last resort for us because of the disruption they cause passengers, but are sometimes unavoidable. Extreme weather, as a result of climate change, is having a significant impact on our Victorian railway embankments. The works at Bearsted will make the cutting secure for a long time. We’re scheduling them to cause minimum disruption, when fewer people are using services, so that passengers will benefit from the works as soon as possible.”

Scott Brightwell, Train Services Director at Southeastern, said: “It’s vitally important that Network Rail carry out this essential work along this part of our route. Reducing the risk of landslips will really help to improve reliability for our passengers. We are working on the alternative travel arrangements and we will publish more detailed information for our customers in the coming weeks.”

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