All six driving wheels for steam locomotive 5551 The Unknown Warrior need replacing

Picture of Michael Holden


All six driving wheels for steam locomotive 5551 The Unknown Warrior need replacing


Picture of Michael Holden


Firebox rivets for 5551 The Unknown Warrior
Credit: LMS Patriot Project

The LMS Patriot Project has sent RailAdvent a further update on the work to build LMS Patriot 5551 The Unknown Warrior.

Most of the riveting on the firebox for 5551 has now been completed by Heritage Boiler Steam Services in Huyton.

Around 1,500 rivets have been fitted to date, whilst transverse stay fitting is to be completed next before the crown stays and palm stay fitting later on.

The all new boiler, which has a copper firebox is the first standard gauge boiler to be built in the UK since the 1960s, says .

After defects in one driving wheel were found when repairs were being completed, it was decided to test all six driving wheels.

After shot blasting, the inspection was completed by British Engineering Services using Magnetic Particle Testing at Riley and Sons.

Three LMS Patriot Project members attended to witness the inspection.

The report has confirmed that all five driving wheels are suffering from widespread cracking and it has been decided after discussions with Ricardo Rail and The Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust that all six driving wheels need to be replaced.

An investigation is underway, but it is believed that the cracks originate from when the wheels were cast at Boro Foundry in 2010/11.

A meeting at the end of the month will take place to find a way forward with the new driving wheels.

If you would like to become a member of the LMS Patriot Project or to donate towards the construction of 5551 The Unknown Warrior, please visit the LMS Patriot Project website.

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