Tyne & Wear Metro video showing additional cleaning undertake for Coronavirus

Picture of Alan Holden


Tyne & Wear Metro video showing additional cleaning undertake for Coronavirus


Picture of Alan Holden


Nexus trains being cleaned
Credit: Nexus

Nexus, who operate and manage the have produced a new video showing the extra cleaning which is taking place on the trains.

The film was commissioned to show passengers returning to the network the work that is being done to clean the trains and help protect passengers and staff from Coronavirus.

Including footage from the Metro depot, it shows the trains being treated with with a special anti-bacterial spray that high kills 99.9% of germs on high-touch surfaces

In addition to the deep cleaning, UV light sanitisers have been installed on 36 escalators.


Metro Operations Director, John Alexander, said: “A huge amount of extra cleaning takes place on our network to keep it safe from Covid-19.

“Quite a lot of that work happens overnight at our Gosforth depot so the public don’t get to see it. This new film we have had made takes you behind the scenes and gives you a snapshot of the cleaning work taking place, including the special anti-bacterial spray we use to give surfaces long lasting protection from germs.

“We felt it was vital to make this video so that our customers get to see what is being done to ensure the Metro system is covid-secure. We are a safe system and are ready to start welcome more customers back.

“Metro meets the Government’s covid-secure standard and people should have the confidence to use our network then they need to. A range of measures are in place to ensure we are secure, these include extra cleaning on all high touch surfaces, anti-viral spraying and UV light sanitisation on escalator handrails.

“If you are making a journey on Metro please ensure that you travel safely and follow the key guidelines, which includes planning ahead, social distancing and the wearing of face coverings unless exempt.”

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