Twickenham railway junction set for major upgrade this August

Picture of Michael Holden


Twickenham railway junction set for major upgrade this August


Picture of Michael Holden


Twickenham Junction
Credit: Network Rail

South West London rail passengers are being advised to check before travelling this Summer as work around takes place.

Engineers will be working over six weekends in August to replace three sets of points at Twickenham Junction just to the west of the station.

Twickenham Junction improvements follow on from a programme in 2020 where took advantage of a line closure to complete structural work and litter clearance

500 yards of conductor rail, which powers trains, is set for renewal on the line to Reading and Windsor & Eton Riverside.

For the work to take place, buses will be operation to replace services:

  • Sunday 22 August: Buses replace trains between Richmond and Hounslow and between Richmond and Teddington
  • Saturday 28 to Monday 31 August (August Bank Holiday weekend): Buses replace trains between Richmond and Hounslow and between Richmond and Teddington
  • Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 September: Buses replace trains between Richmond and Hounslow and between Richmond and Teddington
  • Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 September: Buses replace trains between Richmond or Barnes and Feltham and between Twickenham and Teddington
  • Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 September: Buses replace trains between Feltham and Barnes and between Twickenham and Teddington
  • Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 October: Buses replace trains between Feltham and Barnes and between Twickenham and Teddington

However, on some days, a shuttle service will operate between London Waterloo and Richmond, while services may be cancelled or diverted.

Mark Killick, Network Rail’s Wessex route director, said: “This programme of work will boost reliability at a very important junction, where trains run through to Reading and Windsor & Eton Riverside and also access the Strawberry Hill depot.

“Six weekends of work does mean that our customers and those living near the railway will experience some disruption, for which we apologise. Having analysed travel patterns in the area during the week and at weekends, we believe this minimises the impact as much as possible while allowing us to deliver the work that, once complete, means better journeys for everyone.”

Alan Penlington, SWR’s customer experience director, said: “With such a long series of closures, I realise these works will mean disruption for our customers; however, replacement buses will be in operation wherever lines need to be closed. As customers return to the railway,

“it’s important that these works take place to improve the performance and reliability of the network for years to come. I’d like to thank customers for their patience and remind anyone who’s traveling to plan ahead to see if their journey is affected.”

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