Striking train ticket mural created at London Euston railway station

Picture of Alan Holden


Striking train ticket mural created at London Euston railway station


Picture of Alan Holden


Artmongers painting Euston Mural
Credit: Network Rail

A new mural has been created at Euston railway station to welcome back passengers.

Created by local artists ‘Artmongers’ from the Lewisham School of Muralism, the mural was officially unveiled on Friday 18th June.

It took the 16 artists almost 400 hours to complete the mural over 8 nights.

The artists were posed the question ‘how far can your ticket take you?’ and they came up with the mural design which incorporates the iconic orange train tickets which have been folded into different origami shapes.

The work which is displayed on hoardings at the station entrance was commissioned by


Gareth Parry, station manager for , said: “We’re blown away by the Artmongers mural and we hope that passengers are as impressed as we are. We’ve been working really hard during the pandemic to get the station in the best possible shape for passengers. This mural is another example of how the rail industry is committed to building back better from the pandemic so people can travel in confidence on the railway.”

Patricio Forrester, director of Artmongers said: “It’s been a real pleasure for our artists to work at Euston. Our work is a provocative space for everyone who wants to find inspiration by being on the move. The students have worked together, inspiring each other, pinching from each other and elevating each other’s games – and in this way, we came up with the reversible orange ticket idea. Each ticket has a different story and a wider meaning – we hope passengers will be inspired by our work and will enjoy working out the meanings behind the tickets”.

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