Colossus steam locomotive progress update from the Gigantic Locomotive Company

Picture of Michael Holden


Colossus steam locomotive progress update from the Gigantic Locomotive Company


Picture of Michael Holden


Update from the Gigantic Locomotive Company
Credit: Gigantic Locomotive Company

The Gigantic Locomotive Company has released an update on the progress being made to construct steam locomotive Colossus.

In 2020, the Coronavirus pandemic halted progress, but a successful launch of the Name on the Frames Appeal meant that important funds could be raised to progress the manufacturing of the chassis for the steam locomotive.

If you donated to the Appeal, they will soon send out the Jonathan Clay prints, along with more updates on the progress made.

However, there is still space on the appeal, if any of our readers would like to donate to the appeal. Please contact the Gigantic Locomotive Company via their Facebook Page.

Update from the Gigantic Locomotive Company
Credit: Gigantic Locomotive Company

Behind the scenes, other progress has been made. The company has set up a new board of 7 members who have extensive miniature railway background.

This means that the group has a more structured approach to the engineering side and progress is being made. Components and patterns are all archived and stored ready to be used as and when needed.

Thanks to Simon Townsend, the Gigantic Locomotive Company has been donated a set of Barnes Atlantic drawings, which are known to be the final development of the Greenly Atlantic locomotives.

The Gigantic Locomotive Company hopes to make more progress in 2021, hopefully, will have the bare chassis for both the locomotive and tender mostly complete.

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    1. Big Bertha new build, if only ? GW man myself but that would really be a crowd pleaser. As a kid cycled many times to Bromsgrove just to ogle that spectacular sight of that ascending the bank that even Brunel avoided getting involved with. I know live near the incline and for a repeat performance wow !

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