7F steam locomotive to move to the Mid Hants Railway

Picture of Michael Holden


7F steam locomotive to move to the Mid Hants Railway


Picture of Michael Holden


53808 // Credit S&DRT
53808 // Credit S&DRT

The Somerset and Dorset Railway Trust has announced that 7F No. 53808 will soon move from the to the Mid Hants Railway.

Recently the S&DRT and WSR PLC have discussed the hire agreement of 53808 to the West Somerset Railway.

The outcomes of the discussion are listed below:

  1. Suspending current hire agreement between the WSR PLC and S&DRT
  2. WSR PLC to help in completing winter maintenance work on 53808 which was postponed following COVID-19 lockdown
  3. On completion of winter maintenance, 53808 will be moved by road to the MHR
  4. 53808 will be on hire to the MHR for the rest of its current boiler ticket, due to expire in Autumn 2022

With the WSR not running full passenger services for the foreseeable future, this new agreement with the MHR will see 53808 in revenue earning services, with the hire fees being vital in funding 53808’s overhaul in 2022.

General Manager for the Mid Hants Railway Simon Baggott said: “We are delighted that the Somerset and Dorset Railway Trust has chosen the Watercress Line as a base for their locomotive. The 7F is such an iconic design and its hill-climbing capabilities will be of great use. The Watercress Line and the Somerset and Dorset not only shared steep gradients, but both were railways operated by the LSWR, and both were single-track mainline railways. We hope to use the 7F to help tell the story of these rare, but important lines. Our gala planned for the 16th 17th and 18th of October will naturally now have an S&D theme.”

RailAdvent has contacted the West Somerset Railway for a comment on this news.

For more information or to support the Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust Ltd, please click here.

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  1. One has to wonder at the WSR and their attitude towards the S&D Trust……

    A case if certain individuals within the WSR heirarchy digging their heels in and wanting to rule the roost.

    Rather like the Welsh Highland’s attitude of resistance to the Festiniogg for decades.

    Bloody-minded individuals who saw themselves as the one true faith and always right…… afraid of losing their power.

    The linked up railways in Snowdonia would have reached Carnarvon long before it did if the WHR had been prepared to compromise.

    It was only the ‘ banging of heads’ together by John Prescott and the Welsh Government that got things moving…..

    Sadly the preservation movement has had many similar issues with it’s own Prima Donna’s down through the years.

    We should look forward to the 7F tackling The Mendips in October……….BUT…….we really do need to see commonsense prevail and no plastic screens or distancing etc going on.

    The railway preservation movement as a whole is likely to see a ‘false dawn’ to restarting again if it insists on such measures continuing.

    Both they and Government should realise this….. especially when extra financial support to assist re-opening is provided by Whitehall.

    I am of the opinion that people will not flock back to the trains as quickly as might be anticipated….

    Escaping the confines of being locked- down and then being able to get out won’t be enough….

    James Hennighan
    Yorkshire, England

    1. Your assessment is spot-on. This looks like a win/win for the MHR, who need the loco, and the S&DRT, who need the income.

      Fortunately the heritage line where I work now has dynamic, prudent and harmonious management at all levels in both the preservation society and operating company, but I do wonder what sort of shape the WSR will be in when 53808 returns in two years’ time.

      Most of the extreme measures now hindering the return to normality are being driven not by the “science”, practicality or common sense but by a paranoid fear of not having insurance cover should something go wrong. In reality the chances of anyone contracting the virus on a heritage line train (or even being able to prove that’s where they caught it) are minimal.

    2. let common sense prevail? and avoid infection by actively doing nothing to avoid spreading the virus? from which planet does this dangerous philosophy emanate?

  2. Hampshire borders Wiltshire… of whom Borders Gloucesertshire which borders Somerset & the rest of the West Country… Surely Hampshire is sandwiched within-between the West Country & the South East.

  3. Wow, This’ll be one of the most exciting highlights within the UK Preservation Movement.

    The Watercress Line (Mid-Hants Railway) in Hmapshire… is going to make A fine cracking place for this Iconic 7F steam locomotive to live and to Roam the Restored Rails of The Watercess Line through the Heavenly Hampshire Countryside.

    It’s Historically Interesting to Discover how much the Mid-Hants Railway and the Fondly Remembered ”Somerset & Dorset Railway” have in common… That being Steep Gradients Along each line en-route.

    By the way, both the Mid-Hants Railway & the West Somerset Railway are on my ”Eagerly-Must-Visit” Transportation Destinations List… As I still hope to visit both West Country Heritage Railways ‘in-person’ someday.

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