Freight train passes TWO Red Signals and damages set of points in Wakefield

Picture of Michael Holden


Freight train passes TWO Red Signals and damages set of points in Wakefield


Picture of Michael Holden


Crofton West Junction Signal Passed at Danger Freight Train
Credit: Network Rail

The Rail Accident Investigation Branch has announced they will be investigating an incident where a freight train passed a red signal earlier in May.

Around 09:54 on the 7th May 2020, a freight train passed a red signal which was protecting Crofton West Junction and came to a stop 250 metres after the Junction.

In the incident, a set of points were damaged as a result of the Signal Passed At Danger (SPAD).

The train had additionally passed another red signal at Hare Park Junction around 2 minutes before the incident.

The RAIB will be publishing a safety digest after further investigation regarding this incident.

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  1. Inclined to agree with Western Daze, it is on a long gradient down towards Wakefield station any any serious loss (or lack of) brakepower would result in this run-by. TPWS would have activated the loco brake at both reds under normal operation. Await the RAIB report with interest.

  2. Anyone want to bet against this being insufficient braking power (again)
    Cannot see a driver passing two reds, but can see the preps not being done before starting off ie a continuity of brakes check

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