Corris Railway release steam locomotive No. 10 update

Picture of Michael Holden


Corris Railway release steam locomotive No. 10 update


Picture of Michael Holden


Falcon 10 steam lomomotive Corris Railway
Credit: Corris Railway

The has released an update on the progress made to new build steam locomotive, Falcon 0-4-2ST No 10.

Along with other railways around the country, the Corris Railway has had to close due to the ongoing pandemic. The railway is entirely run by volunteers, so the railway has not had to meet the cost of wages during the lockdown, with other expenses including coal, fuel and utilities being reduced.

However, insurance and licensing, including accounting software etc. still have to be paid, these costs eat into the reserves due to no tickets being sold. You can help and donate to the Corris Railway by clicking here and visiting their website.

Moving on to , continued support for the Corris Railway target of £44,000 to complete the bottom half of the steam locomotive has been a success, with just £14,000 left to raise.

Stainless steel and work on the locomotive’s smokebox as an early stage of the top half has cost a further £1,000.

Fundraising towards to the next stage of construction of the new Corris station has also progressed. That plan for the new station includes a traverser and a new platform.

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